Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin

Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin

Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin Our video ‘White Shadow’ is in the programme “We are the matter of which dreams are made” at Rencontres Internationales Paris / Berlin. Rencontres Internationales is a major event dedicated to the contemporary...
Kaboom Film Festival

Kaboom Film Festival

Kaboom Film Festival Our video ‘White Shadow’ will be in the short competition in kaboom film festival in Amsterdam. Kaboom Animation Festival is the one-stop-shop for the latest and greatest in all things animated. Ranging from cutting-edge experimental arthouse to...
Pro Helvetia Production Grant

Pro Helvetia Production Grant

Our upcoming film ‘Green Storm’ has received a grant and will be filmed in Egypt in 2022 in collaboration with Le Caire pour les...
Gstaad goes Wilde | The Winter Show

Gstaad goes Wilde | The Winter Show

 The Winter Show 29th December 2021 — 7th January 2022 Gstaad The show will feature most of the gallery’s artists and select works from seminal artists from Switzerland and abroad. Opening day on Wednesday, 29th of December from 5 PM Opening Hours Open everyday...
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur

Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur

25th Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur / 9 – 14 November 2021 We will present our new video project White Shadow in the Swiss competition > Wednesday, Nov 10th, 20:30 / Saturday, Nov 13th, 16:30 / Sunday, Nov 14th, 15:30  and two others video projects:...


THE LEMAITRE COLLECTION BETWEEN VIDEO ART AND CINEMA Curated by Maria Laura Cavaliere In partnership with Villa Medici Film Festival The Isabelle and Jean-Conrad Lemaître collection represents one of the rare private collections entirely dedicated to video art and...
Memento 6: Mutations

Memento 6: Mutations

Exposition 29 mai – 09 octobre 2021 Cette année, les artistes plongent dans l’architecture du lieu, occupent littéralement les espaces pour construire ensemble une énigme spatiale. MEMENTO relève d’une histoire, d’une atmosphère qui réveille un temps...
Deep Play – Art + Tech Residency Showcase

Deep Play – Art + Tech Residency Showcase

Showcase: DEEP PLAY 4 – 19 Mar 2021 Launching: Thu 4 Mar, 12pm GMT here Event programme Fri 5 Mar, 6.30 – 8.30pm GMT Panel Discussion: (online, livestream). Free but booking needed. Book your place here Fri 19 Mar, 6.30 – 8.30pm GMT Closing night party: Algorave...
Design Film Festival

Design Film Festival

The Design Film Festival is part of a collaborative programme between HEAD-Genève, Parsons The New School and Kingston School of Art, led by Alexandra Midal, Ulrich Lehmann and Jana Scholze. The online festival consists of a platform that is jointly hosted by the...
Videoex festival / CH_Focus – collectif_fact

Videoex festival / CH_Focus – collectif_fact

CH-Focus collectif_fact Times: Sun 13.09.2020 19:30 Festival cinema Cinema Z3 Tickets Tue 15.09.2020 19:30 Festival cinema Cinema Z3 Tickets datatown circus bubblecars Hitchcock presents The Course of Things The Fixer True, False and Slightly Better No Picture, No...