How to Become a Thing

Video on mobile phone

How to Become a Thing

HD video, 10′, 2023

Video produced thanks to Grand Prix Culturel Migros with the Museum of Art and History in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

Discover the secret life of the famous Jaquet-Droz automaton, the musician, created in 1774 and kept at the Neuchâtel Museum of Art and History in Switzerland. Throughout the video, her metamorphoses are multiple from technological gadgets to objects of desire, collection, worship, witchcraft, or promotional devices. The project explores our relationship with machines through the stereotypes they embody, prompting us to consider the expectations and assumptions that new technologies generate.

Découvrez la vie secrète du célèbre automate Jaquet-Droz, la musicienne, créé en 1774 et conservée au Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de Neuchâtel en Suisse. Tout au long de la vidéo, ses métamorphoses sont multiples du gadget technologique à l’objet de désir, de collection, de culte, de sorcellerie ou promotionnel. Ce projet explore notre relation aux machines et considérer les attentes et les stéréotypes que suscitent les nouvelles technologies.

How to Become a Thing, 2023
HD video, 1080p
10 min

For a better experience, please watch the video on your mobile phone. Rotate your screen to horizontal mode. Play it full screen and use headphones.

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